Indy M. Lynn, assistant high school principal, said she came up with the idea for the senior walk after she saw it on the Internet last year.
“I thought it would be so inspiring for us to do, too,” Lynn said. “So I ran it past Mr. (Nick) Bosnic, our counselors and Mr. (Dave) McDonald, assistant to the superintendent, and they all thought it would be a great idea.”
When we announced the idea to the seniors last Friday, Lynn said “many were excited to do it.”
“We notified the elementary principals who enthusiastically helped to make it happen,” she said.
After graduation practice on Tuesday, Lynn said seniors visited their own elementary schools and “walked the halls” in their caps and gowns while the elementary students watched.
Lynn said the principals played the “Try Again” song from the movie “Zootopia” over the speakers as the seniors walked.
“The feedback from the elementary principals and teachers was very positive,” Lynn said.
“It gave the elementary teachers a chance to see the young men and women they had as small children, and it gave the seniors a chance to see those teachers who gave them their foundations once again,” she continued.
“They were also able to talk to the children and answer questions for them,” she added. “Most importantly, we hope it inspires the children of our district to keep working toward graduating high school themselves.”
Cindy Ekas is the Daily Courier Editor. She can be reached at 724-628-2000, ext. 115, or [email protected].