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Connellsville Area School District

Remote Instruction Days

Connellsville Area School District has the ability to use Remote Instruction Days each school year which can be used in place of a traditional school day when school would be traditionally canceled due to inclement weather or other extraneous circumstances. On Remote Instruction Days, students have the ability to learn remotely and count as instructional/student days. 
How will I know when CASD calls a Remote Instruction Day?
Students, families, and staff will be notified of Remote Instruction Days through CASD’s School Messenger phone call system, as well as being broadcasted on WPXI, WTAE, and KDKA school delay and cancellation platforms. Remote Instruction Days may be called the morning of an event, the day before, or even in advance. Therefore; students, families, and staff should always be prepared to transition to a Remote Instruction Day without prior notice. Taking your Chromebook and materials home each night is required in being prepared to participate in a Remote Instruction Day. 
What does class look like on a Remote Instruction Day?Bus in now
Students should attend school remotely, online via Google Classroom, through school email, as well as any other online resource available to CASD students. Students will log on according to their school building’s Remote Instruction Day schedule and complete the assignments for that day. Instruction is asynchronous. In order to be marked present for the day, a student must log into their assigned online platforms, such as Google Classroom, and complete that day's assignment. If a child does not have internet access or their teacher is absent on a Remote Instruction Day, they should complete a Remote Instruction Day choice board activity for each of their scheduled classes. Choice boards are distributed by individual teachers, but may also be obtained by contacting your school's office. Students have three school days to return the completed assignment upon return to school. If a student does not login and complete work during the school day or complete a choice board activity and return it to the teacher within three school days, they will be marked absent for that day.
Can students get help from teachers on a Remote Instruction Day?
Teachers and staff will be available for help on Remote Instruction Days via school email and Google Meet. Technology assistance is also available by calling your school office and asking for IT assistance from our Technology Department.
Is lunch provided on Remote Instruction Days?
Yes! Meals must be pre-ordered between 8:00am and 9:00am using this form:
Once ordered, meals must be picked up between 11:00am and 12:00pm at Connellsville Area High School
Remote Instruction Day Student Schedule





Period 1 Communication/Assistance

9:30- 9:55

9:30- 9:55

9:30- 9:55

11:30- 11:50

Period 2 Communication/Assistance

9:55- 10:20

9:55- 10:20

9:55- 10:20

11:50- 12:10

Period 3 Communication/Assistance

10:20- 10:45

10:20- 10:45

10:20- 10:45

12:10- 12:30

Period 4 Communication/Assistance

10:45- 11:10

10:45- 11:10

10:45- 11:10

12:30- 12:50

Period 5 Communication/Assistance

11:10- 11:35

11:10- 11:35

11:10- 11:35

12:50- 1:10


11:35- 12:05

11:35- 12:05

11:35- 12:05

1:10- 1:40

Period 6 Communication/Assistance

12:05- 12:30

12:05- 12:30

12:05- 12:30

1:40- 2:00

Period 7 Communication/Assistance

12:30- 12:55

12:30- 12:55

12:30- 12:55

2:00- 2:20

Period 8 Communication/Assistance

12:55- 1:20

12:55- 1:20

12:55- 1:20

2:20- 2:40

Period 9 Communication/Assistance

1:20- 1:45

1:20- 1:45

1:20- 1:45

2:40- 3:00

Period 10 Communication/Assistance




3:00- 3:20

*Teachers will be available through email and Google Meet during the periods that classes normally meet in-person for questions, assistance, clarification, etc. 
Staff Expectations for a Remote Instruction Day
  • CASD has the ability to call a Remote Instruction Day at any point in the school year due to an extenuating circumstance.
  • Teachers are expected to be prepared for a Remote Instruction Day at all times and without prior notice. 
  • Staff must report (in-person or remotely) based on the classification of employee and the type of flexible instruction day that is called in accordance with the Remote Instruction Day schedule. 
  • All staff should be fully aware of the differentiation between Category 1 and Category 2.
  • Teachers should have a lesson posted by the beginning of 1st Period on a Remote Instruction Day.
  • Teachers and aides are expected to be available each period of the day for communication/assistance through Google Meet and/or email.
  • Teachers should provide relevant choice board activities to students prior to a Remote Instruction Day being called and should routinely refer to, remind students, and update choice board activities throughout the school year. (and preferably housed online in a shared drive/folder with their classes)
  • Students will demonstrate attendance by logging onto assigned online platforms (Google Classroom, Google Meet, email, etc.) or by completing a choice board activity within three days of the Remote Instruction Day. If attendance is not demonstrated within three days of the Remote Instruction Day, teachers should turn the student’s name into the office.
  • If a staff member cannot complete their duties, log-on remotely, or report to school on a Remote Instruction Day, they are to call off for that day.
Staff Schedule:
(This schedule is only for staff. Students and families should follow the student schedule published above.)





Staff reports/Logs on 

Planning and post lesson for the day





Staff meeting

9:00- 9:10

9:00- 9:10

9:10- 9:20

11:00- 11:10

Period 1 Communication/Assistance

9:30- 9:55

9:30- 9:55

9:30- 9:55

11:30- 11:50

Period 2 Communication/Assistance

9:55- 10:20

9:55- 10:20

9:55- 10:20

11:50- 12:10

Period 3 Communication/Assistance

10:20- 10:45

10:20- 10:45

10:20- 10:45

12:10- 12:30

Period 4 Communication/Assistance

10:45- 11:10

10:45- 11:10

10:45- 11:10

12:30- 12:50

Period 5 Communication/Assistance

11:10- 11:35

11:10- 11:35

11:10- 11:35

12:50- 1:10


11:35- 12:05

11:35- 12:05

11:35- 12:05

1:10- 1:40

Period 6 Communication/Assistance

12:05- 12:30

12:05- 12:30

12:05- 12:30

1:40- 2:00

Period 7 Communication/Assistance

12:30- 12:55

12:30- 12:55

12:30- 12:55

2:00- 2:20

Period 8 Communication/Assistance

12:55- 1:20

12:55- 1:20

12:55- 1:20

2:20- 2:40

Period 9 Communication/Assistance

1:20- 1:45

1:20- 1:45

1:20- 1:45

2:40- 3:00

Period 10 Communication/Assistance




3:00- 3:20

Homeroom/ Office Hours

1:45- 2:10

1:45- 2:20

1:45- 2:30

3:20- 3:40

Category 1:
Remote Instruction Days For Road Conditions (Ice/Snow, Other Acts of Nature)
  • Teachers/Nurses: Work from home, log on at regular start time
  • Personal/Classroom Aides: Work from home, log on following a delay schedule
  • Clerks, Hall Monitors, Building Monitors, Truant Officers: Report to school on a delay schedule
  • Food Service: Report to school, refer to MOU
  • Custodial/Maintenance, IT, Secretaries, Admin: Normal schedule
Category 2:
Remote Instruction Days For “Other” (Extreme Cold Temperatures, Technical, Maintenance, Acts of Nature, Tragedies, Election Days, Power/Water/Internet, Etc.)
  • Teachers/Nurses: Report to school at regular start time
  • Personal/Classroom Aides: Report to school at regular start time, refer to MOU
  • Clerks, Hall Monitors, Building Monitors, Truant Officers: Report to school, refer to MOU
  • Food Service: Report to school at regular start time, refer to MOU
  • Custodial/Maintenance, IT, School Police, Secretaries, Admin: Normal schedule