The Connellsville Area School District received federal funds in conjunction with Title IA, Title IIA, and Title IIIA and Title IVA for the 2024-2025 school year. In addition all ESSER Funding information is included on this page.
Title I
Title I was enacted to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments. This can be accomplished by meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children, closing the achievement gap between high- and low- performing children, high standards for all students, enriched and accelerated instruction, decentralized decision making, improved accountability, high quality professional development, coordination and integration of services, expanded family involvement, extended learning time, and early intervention.
Improving American’s School Act of 1994, which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, mandates that an LEA (school district) may receive Title I funds only if it implements programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parents. This improvement and implementation must follow the guidelines listed below:
1. The parent involvement activities and procedures must be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation of parents and participating children.
2. The consultation must be organized, systematic, ongoing, informative and timely in relation to decisions about this program.
3. The activities and procedures must be of sufficient size, scope and quality to give reasonable promise of substantial progress toward achieving the goals.
The Connellsville Area School District has a Schoolwide Title IA Program in the 4 elementary buildings. Title I Part A is: Improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged and providing aid for pupils in high poverty schools. Individual buildings are reviewed for eligibility annually based on the level of financial need which is determined, in part, by the number of students who have been approved for Free/Reduced Lunch at the building level. Each Title I building in the district must update, annually, it's Comprehensive Building Level Plan. Please view the Comprehensive Plans for the Title I buildings:
Parent and Family Engagement
Right to Know - Highly Qualified
The families of all district-enrolled students must be notified annually and in writing of various rights. In accordance with this federal programs requirement, Connellsville Area School District families received the following correspondence prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year:
Title II
The Connellsville Area School District also qualified for Title II Part A funds for the 2024-2025 school year. These funds may be used to prepare, train, and recruit PA certified teachers and principals. Largely, Title II funds are used for Professional Development activities, including instructional coaches.
Title III
The Connellsville Area School District also received Title III Federal funding, and contracts with the Intermediate Unit One to provide the English Learners (EL) Program. Title III funds are being used to enhance programming specific to language instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students. The bulk of these funds will be used to support alignment between EL classroom activities and core English Language Arts instruction.
As per compliance guidelines, the Connellsville Area School District reaches out annually to all non-public schools that enroll students and extends an opportunity through the non-public school for English Learners to participate in an assessment of language skills in consideration of EL programming. If non-public students qualify for EL programming, they are invited to participate in programming hosted on site within the Connellsville Area School District; however, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to transport their student(s) to and from the EL programming site.
Title IVA
Supporting the effective use of technology (e.g., professional development, blended and personalized learning, and devices)
For more information regarding Federal Program implementation, please contact: