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Connellsville Area School District

Federal Programs » Parent Advisory Council

Parent Advisory Council

The Schoolwide Program of the Connellsville Area School District is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for students, staff, and parents. Through a trusting, sharing, and open partnership, the parents and staff will share the responsibility for student achievement in math and ELA, for open, two-way and frequent communication and for providing opportunities for shared decision making.
Parent Involvement is more than just sending information home or attending a PTG meeting. Parents must be viewed with staff as advocates for the needs of students and as active participants in making positive changes to support those needs. Parents need to become involved in advisory councils and Schoolwide Planning Committees.
The staff and parents must become active and open communicators all the way through a child's educational journey. Parents need to be encouraged and reaffirmed that they are their children's first and most important teacher. They need to be encouraged to come into the building and work as volunteers.
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) for the Connellsville Area School District exists for the purpose of advising, promoting, and providing support for parents and family involvement in schools and the community.
All parents are invited to participate in the building level Parent Advisory Councils through surveys, phone calls, newsletters, and meetings.
PAC members receive information about workshops and conferences. Parents have rights to suggest program change and how funds are spent to further enhance student achievement. Materials are purchased through their recommendations for use with children at home. Members are also asked to help in the writing of the Parent-School-Student Compacts and Title I Parent Involvement Policy. The PAC meets at various times throughout the school year and plans Title I Family Nights and Title I District Level Workshops, based on the parents' needs as addressed in the Parent Surveys which are distributed at the beginning of each school year.
If you are interested in becoming a PAC member to help improve student achievement in your child's school, please contact your child's Principal.